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2 Nov 2010
Pues eso

Que acabo de ver en la tele a Pedro en un anuncio de VODAFONE!!!

Pero este hombre no para!! Desde que no esta en Sauber la proyección mediática que está teniendo es impresionante!!, El Santander, ECI, CERTINA y ahora VODAFONE!!!

Parece que por fin las marcas se están dando cuenta del potencial que tiene Pedro a nivel Marketing.

Ojalá todo esto se materialice en un buen esponsor para el año que viene y pueda correr tranquilamente y demostrar de lo que es capaz
20 Oct 2010
Hola a todos

Voy a ir al GP de Abu Dhabi y yo que iba con toda mi iluión para ver a Pedro correr resulta que no va a ser posible...así que como el que no se consuela es porque no quiere, me gustaría saber si alguno de vosotros, especialmente los que tenéis contacto con Pedro más directo, sabéis si va a estar por allí lo días del Gran Premio y si habría alguna posibilidad de verlo. Lo digo porque parece que Pirelli va a probar alli el viernes después del GP y estaría fenomenal si estuviera por allí Pedro para al menos poder saludarle y hacerme unas fotillos con él

Pues lo dicho si alguno tiene información al respecto o me puede a quien dirigirme para enterarme se lo agradecería.

Muchas gracias!!
21 Jun 2010
Pues eso, que os transcribo la entrevista que le han hecho a Pedrito, no tiene desperdicio la última pregunta

The Secret Life of Pedro de la Rosa He may have been a paddock fixture for 13 years, notched up 78 Grand Prix starts and 29 world championship points, but we bet theres an awful lot you dont know about BMW Saubers Pedro de la Rosa, including his fear of flying, his youthful Smurf collection, and a worrying addiction to an Italian dessert. Find out more about Spaniard De la Rosa in the latest instalment of our Secret Life series

Q: Are you the kind of guy to have a Plan-B?
Pedro de la Rosa: No. I am not a lateral thinker. I am a straight-line thinker - if there is a rock in front of me Ill try to go through it. I am like a bull in that respect. I am not that smart.

Q: Apart from driving a Formula One car, what is your favourite buzz?
PdlR: Being with the right people. I could be in a cave with no light, but if I am with my kids and my wife I am a happy man.

Q: Who is your dream date?
PdlR: There are so many people I would love to meet. One would have been Ayrton Senna, the other one would be Lance Armstrong. He is someone I admire massively because I cycle a lot and I know how tough cycling is. It is ten times tougher than racing a Formula One car from the physical side. I would like to get into his brain to see how he thinks and how much he can suffer.

Q: Which film last made you cry?
PdlR: I havent cried at a movie lately, as far as I can remember. I cried reading a book - The Bridges of Madison County - but that was some time ago, when I was younger and more sensitive. Now I am tough! (laughs).

Q: What are you afraid of?
PdlR: I am quite scared of planes because I sometimes dream that I die in a plane crash.

Q: What was the last book you read?
PdlR: I read Perfume, by Patrick Suskind. That was by far my favourite book lately.

Q: Name five things that you hate?
PdlR: Dishonest people, hypocrisy, lies, unpunctual people (like my wife!) and smelly people.

Q: Have you ever dyed your hair?
PdlR: Yes, I have done it in the past. It was a little bit darker than my original colour. It was a mess and I am sure I will never do it again because sometimes you learn from bad experiences.

Q: What was the first CD you bought?
PdlR: It wasnt a CD, that came later. The first tape was Bruce Springsteens Born in the USA. It is still my favourite album. It was the first one, and the best.

Q: Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
PdlR: No, Id hate one on myself. But I like to see them on other people.

Q: What did your teachers say about you in your school report?
PdlR: That he is very committed and he works very hard. Hes not that clever but he always gives his best.

Q: Who were your childhood heroes?
PdlR: Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost, and of course my father - he has always been my top hero.

Q: Do you have any guilty pleasures?
PdlR: I like tiramisu. I would eat a tiramisu every night if I could, so I have to control myself and not get too carried away.

Q: Do you collect anything?
PdlR: Not any more. When I was younger I collected Smurfs. That was a long time ago. It was my first and last collection. Now I am not interested in collecting anything. But wait a minute Im lying. I have a collection of all my helmets. From every year Ive raced I have at least one helmet. It must be around 30 helmets.

Q: What do you miss most about home when youre travelling?
PdlR: I miss my family. Still, after all those years of travelling, I feel very weak when I am not with them. And I miss the Spanish news. When I go to a hotel room, the first thing I do is look for a Spanish channel! I leave it on all the time and then I feel like Im home.

Q: What was your worst buy?
PdlR: I havent had any bad buys yet. Actually Im very proud of that. I think before buying.

Q: How do you take your coffee?
PdlR: I always have an espresso macchiato.

Q: Your ideal non-race Sunday morning?
PdlR: Waking up in Majorca and going cycling.

Q: What was your first car or vehicle?
PdlR: I had a Montesa 50cc, when I was five or six years-old. I started with that little motorbike before starting with a kart.

Q: Whats the most embarrassing mistake youve ever made?
PdlR: It was in 1996 in Aida, Japan. Toyota had brought out a new supercar, completely white. It had just come out of the oven and I was told to do an installation lap, but the car never came back. I destroyed the car on the back straight. There was some snow on the track and I destroyed the car. I came back to the pits and told them that there was no more car and the mechanics thought I was joking. I really did not have the balls to take my helmet off! I could not look them in the eyes.

Q: What is the best thing you can cook?
PdlR: I can only cook Spaghetti. Its very good though.

Q: When was the last time you were really angry?
PdlR: Very recently. That was after the Spanish Grand Prix. When I got back to my hotel room I banged every wall in there.
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