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Mi Contenido
31 Aug 2001
Muy bueno, MBV, pero si Bronsonmáster impone su ley, desgraciadamente le queda poco tiempo de vida a este tópic, cuando es algo que muchos tendría que estar muy presente.

Gracias igualmente.
2 May 2001
Hi Bernie!!!

Do you really think that the R2 is an improvement? It seems that it has the same weak points as its predecessor, and this is why Lauda said we have to wait till next year's car in order to see a Jaguar fighting for the points.

As you said, the improvement in the rest of the field is so hard and quick that Jaguar could finish the year without a point. Let's hope Irvine (who I think has began to feel the pressure from a good driver) or Pedro achieve a few valuable points. If not, maybe Jaguar could face some problems with Ford's management.

Nice to talk with you. Bye!!!!
30 Apr 2001
Hi Zura!!! Nice to hear from more foreign people in this forum

As you said, yesterday was a very sad day for all McLaren and de la Rosa's fans, and I am both, so you can imagine how I felt on the track.

But we must be optimistics. McLaren showed how much they've improved since the beginning of the season, and I think that if Coulthard wouldn't have suffered that problems on the beginning of the race, he would have been the winner of the race. I think that despite of the problems Schumacher suffered, McLaren's tacticians were better than Ferrari ones (once again this season) so Mika was going to win the race.

And for de la Rosa and Jaguar, maybe the only real option is to be patient and wait for the next season, hoping that under Lauda and Rahal's command they build a much more better car. And let's hope we are lucky enough to grab a couple of points and not finish in the last position. But I don't expect it to happen in the nearest future. What do you think?

That's all (for now ). Hope to hear from you again. See ya!!!!
29 Mar 2001
Niki, apúntame. Tengo la palabra de mi jefe de que ese fin de semana estaré en Barcelona, así que cuenta conmigo.

Hasta luego!!!
26 Mar 2001
Jejejeje Algo bueno ha de tener esto de ser como Willy Fog, ¿no?

A ver si se apunta alguien!!!
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