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Mi Contenido
22 Apr 2000
Reading your response I would say "language problems" do not really exist. The intention of the first message was basicly to see if there are a lot of bilingual(no not Spain and Catalunya)people here. To try and raise the second issue I would say the Arrows still has a long way to go before they are a serious contender for the podium. A bag of money, two good drivers and a decent staff won't do the job. Keyissue is experience, question is if TW takes the time to continue with these people and "wait" for succes. TW is well known for not being a steady guy, he jumps into conclusions and acts accordingly. The team should score points in the coming 2-3 races otherwise this might well be a lost season as well.......

Bartus(who thinks patience is a very rare thing in F1)
20 Apr 2000
Imagine what would have happened if Jos qualified on Pedros' spots ;-) I agree with you, it is still early in the season but one has to win. Since you are the first to respondhere I put a bottle of Vetrano at stake. If Jos has more points by the end of 1999 you pay, otherwise I pay. If it is a draw I propose we both get drunk..........
19 Apr 2000
Hello Pedro fans!

My name is Bartus and I am a Dutch fan of Jos. Wouldn't it be nice to use this forum as an exvhange of information between Jos and Pedro fans, afterall we support the same team! To heat things up a bit I claim that Jos has been performing better during the races than Pedro, but, to find common ground, the team as been performing well and has a large potential for this year. Anyway, see you around....

Bartus(who looks forward to visiting the race in Barcelona and will be in Parets del Valles for a few days)
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Fecha y Hora Actual: 8th June 2024 - 03:59 PM
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